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Manure Applicators - keep producers happy with better recordkeeping

  • 10/20/2017 11:59:00 AM
  • View Count 3088
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Think records before you head to the field to apply manure.

Although producers are ultimately responsible for manure application records, commercial manure applicators can help their customers by providing the records producers must keep.

Confinement feeding operations (totally roofed facilities with 500 or more animal units) need to keep an updated manure management plan (MMP) and manure application records. Open feedlots (unroofed or partially roofed) and combined operations need similar information for their nutrient management plans (NMPs).

For MMPs, confinement site facilities need to have the following information on site:

  1. Methods of application used when the manure from the confinement site was applied
  2. Date the manure was applied
  3. Location of the application field, including the number of acres
  4. The application rate.

For NMPs, open feedlots and/or combined operations need the same basic information on manure application in their records. Minimum requirements for manure management are available under open feedlots.  

Find more information, the MMP (form 542-4000) and NMP (form 542-2121) and an optional Manure Application Record Keeping form (DNR 542-8002) at AFO forms.

Contact your local DNR field office with questions. 
