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Indianola man falls more than 20 feet from tree stand

  • 10/17/2017 9:08:00 AM
  • View Count 4936
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WARREN COUNTY -- An Indianola man was injured while climbing into his tree stand on Sunday while deer hunting.

Bobbie Joe Stephens, 24, fell approximately 23-feet into a ravine while hunting on private land in southern Warren County. He had not been able to hook up to his harness at the time of the fall. He was able to call a hunting partner for help after falling.

Stephens was taken to a Des Moines area hospital and was treated for broken ankle.

Further investigation revealed the tree stand straps were broken due to weather exposure over time. The tree stand had been left up since last season.

The DNR reminds hunters if you leave your tree stand out year-round, be sure to check the straps before using the tree stand.
