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State parks looking for volunteers Sept. 30

  • 9/5/2017 12:57:00 PM
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Iowa’s state parks are looking for volunteers on Sept. 30 for Iowa’s first State Park Volunteer Day.  Volunteer activities will take place in 32 state parks.

“We all have important roles to play in caring for our state parks,” says Todd Coffelt, chief of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources State Parks Bureau. “They are everyone’s land, part of the public trust.”

He said volunteer opportunities are available to families, friends, coworkers, scout groups or clubs to spend the day outdoors helping their local state park by removing invasive plants, maintaining trails, picking up trash, painting picnic tables, restoring forests, seeding prairies and more.

Iowa’s State Park Volunteer Day is held in conjunction with National Public Lands Day – the nation’s largest one-day volunteer effort for public lands. More than 200,000 volunteers from across the country will participate in stewardship activities at more than 2,500 sites.

For more information and to view a list of parks looking for volunteers, go to

More information on National Public Lands Day can be found at
