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EPC to hold February meeting via teleconference

  • 2/10/2017 3:44:00 PM
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DES MOINES – The Environmental Protection Commission will meet via conference call Feb. 21.

The commission will hear presentations on a groundwater status report and the diesel emissions reduction grant program.

The meetings are open to the public. To join the teleconference, dial (866) 685-1580 and use conference code 4510673319.

Due to the logistics of a teleconference meeting, the commission will only accept requests for public participation regarding the groundwater and diesel emissions presentations. People may also submit written comments to the commission by mail or email to Jerah Sheets,, before the meeting.

The next Environmental Protection Commission meeting is scheduled for March 21.

Find agenda details at

Commissioners include Mary Boote, Des Moines, chair; Chad Ingels, Randalia, vice chair; Cindy Greiman, Garner, secretary; Nancy Couser, Nevada; Bob Sinclair, Sigourney; Gene Ver Steeg, Inwood; LaQuanda Hoskins, Bettendorf; Ralph Lents, Menlo; and Joe Riding, Altoona. Chuck Gipp is the director of the DNR.
