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Celebrate Earth Day by connecting with Iowa's environment and help make a difference

  • 4/18/2024 2:55:00 PM
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DES MOINES – Monday, April 22 is Earth Day, offering another opportunity to connect to Iowa's environment and to give back to our natural resources.

The Iowa DNR Earth Day page is full of ideas - from exploring the woods, cleaning up household hazardous materials or caring for a park. Discover a backyard scavenger hunt, or watch a video series with Conservation Officer Erika Billerbeck and kids taking you on a “Wild Things” trip to an Iowa woodland.

DNR foresters can help you plant a tree so it will survive and thrive. Check out helpful blogs to attract pollinators, go green with your yard, or build a rain barrel.

Love state parks? From staying on trails to being vigilant on beaches, learn six ways to show you care.

Are your kids fascinated by helping the environment at home? Learn where recyclables end up and what happens to wastewater after it goes down the drain. Take advantage of opportunities for environmental education and volunteering.

Busy with spring cleaning? If you’re puzzled about disposing of household solvents, pesticides or latex paint, tap into “Bring it in—We all Win,” your guide to household hazardous waste and Regional Collection Centers (RCC). RCC facilities help businesses and households properly manage their household hazardous waste. You can find your RCC at

Or show your commitment to Iowa’s natural resources all year long by buying a habitat stamp or purchasing a REAP license plate. Funds from the habitat stamp and the REAP license plates take care of Iowa’s wild places and wildlife.

Stay in the loop year-round by subscribing to the DNR’s quarterly magazine Iowa Outdoors for the latest outdoor news, wildlife photography, and hidden treasured spots across Iowa’s vast nature landscape to help plan your next local getaway.

Take time today and every day to care for Iowa’s air, land and water. Our actions help keep Iowa’s natural resources healthy and productive for years to come. Find the DNR Earth Day page at:
