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DNR investigating drowning on Mississippi River

  • 7/18/2023 11:41:00 AM
  • View Count 3217
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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is investigating an apparent drowning on July 14 on the Mississippi River near Buffalo Shores.

Two men were boating from the Buffalo Shores Campground to the shoreline near Beach Pub Bar in Buffalo where they intended to register for a fishing tournament. As they approached shore, Michael Eskridge, 48 of Davenport, was preparing the anchor line in the bow of the boat when he lost his balance and fell overboard. 

Iowa DNR and the Buffalo Fire Department located and recovered Eskridge’s body at 8:15 p.m.

Eskridge’s body was located and recovered at 8:15 PM by the Iowa DNR and the Buffalo Fire Department. The Buffalo Police Department, Scott County Sheriff's Office, Scott County Park Rangers, Muscatine Fire Department and Montpelier Fire Department were also dispatched and assisted in the recovery. 
