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Join the 2023 First Day Hike Challenge!

  • 12/21/2022 2:16:00 PM
  • View Count 10312
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What are your plans for New Year's 2023? Iowa state parks and forests invite you to join the First Day Hike Challenge. Visit state parks on your own, or join a guided hike at several parks and forests. Whichever works for you, check in and take part in the First Day Hike Challenge through the State Park Passport!

How It Works:

  • Check into any of more than 50 participating state parks and forests on the Park Passport from Friday, Dec. 30, 2022 through the end of Sunday, Jan. 1, 2023.
  • Every check-in qualifies for a prize drawing for a free 2-night stay at a cabin at Pine Lake State Park, near Eldora, Iowa! Restrictions and booking fees apply.
  • Visit as many parks as you want during the weekend -- every check-in counts as a contest entry.
  • As an option, join a Guided Hike at several parks, led by park staff and Friends Groups, with some offering hot chocolate and snacks. Find a guided hike.

Learn more about the First Day Hikes and sign up today!  
