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Last minute reminders for shotgun deer seasons

  • 11/29/2022 3:43:00 PM
  • View Count 7283
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  • Make sure to have a valid hunting license and habitat fee, and deer tag for the correct season.
  • Make sure blaze orange still fits and that the orange hasn’t faded to the point of being ineffective. The minimum amount of blaze orange required by Iowa law to hunt in the firearm deer season is a 100 percent solid blaze orange vest, but more is better.
  • Talk to the landowner or tenant to confirm permission to hunt and to see if anyone else has permission to hunt the same property.
  • Create a hunting plan that identifies the hunt location, who’s on the hunt and outlines their role, describes how the hunt will unfold and when the hunters are expected to return home. Leave a copy of the plan with someone in the event of an emergency.
  • Pick up and fill an antlerless deer tag. County specific antlerless deer tags are still available in 27 counties. Go to for info on antlerless tag availability.
  • Check the Iowa Deer Exchange to see if someone nearby is looking for deer meat. The Iowa Deer Exchange is a deer donation program connecting participants willing to provide deer meat with those willing to accept it. To sign up, go to then scroll down to Iowa’s Deer Exchange Program link and fill out the required fields. The database creates a map and table with information deer donors and deer recipients can use to get connected. There is no cost to participate. It is illegal to sell wild fish and game in Iowa. The deer exchange, along with the Help us Stop Hunger (HUSH) program, allows hunters an opportunity to provide high quality lean protein to their neighbors.
  • Report their harvest by midnight on the day after it is tagged or before taking it to a locker or taxidermist. The hunter whose name is on the transportation tag is responsible for making the report. If no deer is harvested, no report is necessary.
  • The Iowa DNR will be working with hunters to collect deer tissue samples to test for chronic wasting disease. Interested hunters are encouraged to contact their local wildlife biologist to arrange for sample to be collected. If the sample quota has filled, the DNR will assist with submitting the sample through the hunter submission system, in partnership with Iowa State University – which comes with a fee of $25.
  • Shotgun one is Dec. 3-7; shotgun two is Dec. 10-18.
  • Become a mentor and share your hunting experience. Invite someone along from outside of the group to experience Iowa deer hunting.
