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Banner and Olofson Shooting Ranges offer programs this fall

  • 8/23/2022 12:10:00 PM
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The Banner and Olofson Shooting Ranges have classes, leagues and events scheduled this fall for shooters of all skill levels.

Hunter Education Classes
Hunter Education classes and field days are in full swing across the state. Iowa law requires that anyone born after January 1, 1972 must be certified in hunter education before they are eligible to purchase an Iowa hunting license.  

Olofson Shooting Range, located at 11652 NW Nissen Drive in Polk City, will offer four field days this fall.  Students are required to successfully complete the online course work at prior to attending. All field days are from 5:30- 8:30 p.m.  

September 8 -
September 22 -
October 6 -
October 13 -

Learn more about ways to complete hunter education in Iowa or find a hunter education class or field day near you at   


Bowling Pin Leagues
Banner Shooting Range in Indianola and Olofson Shooting Range in Polk City are offering bowling pin leagues this fall. Banner's league will meet on Thursday nights from September 8 - October 6.  Olofson's league will meet on Tuesday nights from September 13 - October 11.   

These five week leagues offer participants the opportunity to shoot between two divisions - rifle and pistol. Scores will accumulate for four weeks and be used for a fifth week, bracket-style, double elimination tournament. Awards and prize packages will be given for each division's (rifle and pistol) top shooter for both the league and double elimination tournament at both ranges. Cost is $50.00 to participate.  There is a maximum of seven shooters per flight, for a total of 21 shooters in the league at each range. 

For more information or to register visit the links below.

Banner Shooting Range -
Olofson Shooting Range -   

Skeet League
Looking to shoot skeet for fun or brush up on your skills prior to pheasant season? Join us for the 2022 Skeet League at Olofson Shooting Range. This seven week, 50 bird skeet league will meet on Monday nights from September 12 through October 24.  Scores will accumulate for six weeks and be used for a seventh week, shoot-off tournament on Monday, October 24.  

Make up rounds will be handled on a case by case basis. Targets are included in the $100 league fee. There is a maximum of six shooters per flight, for a total of 30 shooters in the league.

Prizes will be given for the top league shooter and the tournament winner. For more information or to register, visit


Intro to Firearms Courses
Olofson Shooting Range is offering an introduction to firearms seminar on rifles on Wednesday September 14 from 6:30-8 p.m. This course is designed for people who know very little about firearms, who may be considering purchasing a gun, or just want to know more about them.  

In an informal discussion setting, a shooting range instructor will teach the basic operation of different types of firearms, proper and safe handling, and safety devices. Learn about caliber, ammunition, actions, and storage, as well as guidelines for purchasing and the important role of training. 

Participants will be provided with a hands-on shooting experience with a .22 LR rifle in a safe and controlled environment. We encourage questions and strife to provide answers that are personal and understandable. Class size is limited to 15 participants; register today to secure your spot.  Cost is $15.00 per person and includes use of firearms, range time and ammunition.  

For more information or to register, visit


Banner Shooting Range is offering an introduction to firearms seminar on pistols on September 21 from 6:30-8 p.m.  This course is designed for people who know very little about firearms, who may be considering purchasing a gun, or just want to know more about them. 

In an informal discussion setting, a shooting range instructor will teach the basic operation of different types of firearms, proper and safe handling, and safety devices. Learn about caliber, ammunition, actions, and storage, as well as guidelines for purchasing and the important role of training. 

Participants will be provided with hands-on shooting experience with .22 LR semi-automatic pistol. Class size is limited to 15 participants; register today to secure your spot. Cost is $15.00 per person and includes use of firearms, range time and ammunition. 

For more information or to register, visit

Sight in Nights at the Range
Banner and Olofson Shooting Ranges are offering special opportunities this fall for hunters to sight in their firearms after hours at both ranges. Cost is $5.00 per person and includes two paper targets along with the use of lead sleds and spotting scopes. 

Sight in sessions are from 5-7 p.m. on the following dates and locations:

September 16 (Olofson Shooting Range)
September 28 (Olofson Shooting Range)
September 30 (Banner Shooting Range)
October 5 (Banner Shooting Range)

Hero's Day at the Range
The DNR celebrates Hero's Day at Olofson Shooting Range on Saturday, September 24th.  Local Law Enforcement Officers and fire/rescue will be at the range for a meet and greet.  

Gates open at 9 a.m. to the public and the event will conclude at 11 a.m. Free hands-on activities, doughnuts and juice for individuals in attendance. Come on out and show your support for these local heroes in the community. 
