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Updates Proposed to Construction Permit Framework

  • 1/10/2022 4:05:00 PM
  • View Count 1359
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The DNR Air Quality Bureau Construction Permit section is proposing to make several updates to the permit framework.  The framework is the starting point for each permit and outlines the obligations and rights of the owner and operator.

The last changes to the framework were made in 2016 and we are proposing to proceed with changes at this time due to the need to make our permit compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Additionally, we have been collecting comments and suggestions since the last update and have made preliminary determinations on those recommendations, including updated wording to the permit sections. 

An updated draft permit framework and a comments document that outlines the proposed changes are now posted to the Air Quality Bureau’s Public Participation webpage for review.  Please direct all comments or questions to Sarah Piziali, Construction Permit Supervisor, at or by phone at 515-795-9549.  Comments will be accepted through January 28, 2022.  All comments collected will be reviewed prior to finalizing the permit framework.
