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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides guidance related to waterfowl hunting in damaged crop fields

  • 8/19/2020 7:17:00 AM
  • View Count 6179
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Hunters planning to hunt waterfowl in fields damaged by the derecho storm on Aug. 10 need to be aware of what has taken place in the field after the fact to stay in compliance with the regulations.

Migratory waterfowl is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who has issued guidance as it relates to waterfowl hunting fields damaged by the storm.

Hunters are allowed to hunt waterfowl over fields that were knocked down by the wind because those fields are considered standing crops. Hunters are also allowed to hunt waterfowl over fields knocked down by the wind and harvested or harvested to the best of the equipment’s ability and in accordance with guidance form Iowa State Extension, because the crops are considered to have been harvested in a normal manner.

However, hunters may not hunt fields knocked down by the wind, not harvested and manipulated (shredded, disking, etc.) as required by insurance as it is then considered manipulated agricultural crops, which is not allowed.

Iowa’s teal only season begins Sept. 1. Regular duck seasons begin opening by zone in late September and early October. Hunters with questions are encouraged to contact their local conservation officer.
