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DNR Conservation Officer helps rescue duck hunters

  • 10/20/2019 4:17:00 PM
  • View Count 3513
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MONONA COUNTY, Iowa -- On Sunday October 20, at approximately 10:57 AM, Monona County dispatch received a call that Decatur Fire and Rescue was en-route to Tieville Bend Wildlife Management Area for a call of two hunters whose boat was sinking. 

A father and teenage son were duck hunting on an oxbow lake within the Tieville Bend Wildlife Management Area and were motoring back to the boat ramp when their 14 foot johnboat began taking on water.

DNR Conservation Officer Gary Sisco and an Iowa State Patrol Trooper accompanied Decatur Fire and Rescue and pulled the hunters from their stranded vessel and transported them to shore.  Both individuals refused medical treatment.

Burt County, NE Fire and Rescue, Decatur, NE Fire and Rescue, Iowa State Patrol, and the Monona County Sheriff''s Office, along with DNR Conservation Officers Gary Sisco and Aaron Johnson were assisted with the rescue.
