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Outdoors Woman Spring Workshop Set for Honey Creek Resort

  • 2/14/2017 12:41:00 PM
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The 2017 spring Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) workshop will be held April 28-30 at Honey Creek Resort State Park, in Moravia. 

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman is an international program aimed primarily at women, but is an opportunity for anyone 18 years or older to learn outdoor skills usually associated with hunting and fishing, but useful for many outdoor pursuits.

“We have campers from all backgrounds and experiences who come with the same goal of learning some skills and having a great weekend,” said Rachel Ladd, with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources BOW program.

Workshop courses include fishing, firearms, foraging, outdoor cooking, boater education, shotguns, turkey hunting, backpacking and even stand up paddleboarding. Participation is limited to 84.

“The earlier people register, the better chance they will have to get their top program choices,” Ladd said.

The workshop cost is $260 for a single occupancy room or $215 for a double occupancy room for registration by March 26. Fees cover instruction, workshop materials, room and meals. Scholarships available and must be received by March 17. To register or to learn more about the workshop, go to
