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Derelict building grants, water and air quality on July EPC agenda

  • 7/13/2017 1:03:00 PM
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WINDSOR HEIGHTS – Contracts, grants and rule changes are up for approval at the July 18meeting of the Environmental Protection Commission.

The meeting begins at 10 a.m. at DNR’s Air Quality Bureau, 7900 Hickman Road in Windsor Heights. It is open to the public with public comments following the monthly reports. People may also submit written comments to the commission before the meeting. Send comments by mail or email to Jerah Sheets,

At the top of the agenda, DNR will demonstrate new software to submit manure management plans (MMP) online. Commissioners will also be asked to approve a rule proposal enabling animal producers to submit MMPs online; and to provide additional opportunities for public comment on previously proposed air quality rules.

Seven grants to assist in dismantling and renovating abandoned buildings are also up for approval. The following communities were selected for grant funding of more than $25,000, requiring the commission’s approval:

  • City of Ackley in Franklin and Hardin counties plan to deconstruct an old grain elevator.
  • La Porte City in Black Hawk County will abate asbestos and dispose of hazardous materials.
  • City of Letts in Louisa County is deconstructing an old bank building.
  • City of Lockridge in Jefferson County will partially deconstruct a building.
  • City of Middletown in Des Moines County will abate asbestos in a vacant school building.
  • City of Osceola in Clarke County will abate asbestos and renovate an existing building.
  • City of Tabor in Fremont and Mills counties to deconstruct a vacant building.

Once completed, the cities plan additional projects such as creating outdoors public spaces, building senior housing units, converting a building to office space and building a new library. Twelve additional projects were selected for funding, bringing total funding requests to nearly $400,000.

Also up for approval, commissioners will be asked to approve a contract amendment to continue improving water quality in the Iowa Great Lakes Watershed, reducing sediment and nutrients reaching the great lakes.

The complete agenda follows:

  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Monthly Reports             
  • Public Participation
  • Director’s Remarks         
  • eMMP Status Update and Demo of Online System         
  • Notice of Intended Action – Chapter 65 – Proposed Rule Amendment for Animal             Feeding Operations               
  • Contract Amendment with IDALS for Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Project          
  • Derelict Building Grant Program – Grant Recommendations        
  • Amended Notice of Intended Action: Ease of Application Rules -Chapter 22        
  • The State of Iowa Public Drinking Water Program 2016 Annual Compliance Report
  • General Discussion
  • Items for Next Month’s Meeting
    Aug. 15 – EPC Business Meeting – Windsor Heights
    Sept. 18 – EPC Education Tour – Adams County
    Sept. 19 – EPC Business Meeting – Adams County

The complete agenda and item briefs are available on the DNR website.


Commissioners include Chad Ingels, Randalia, chair; Ralph Lents, Menlo, vice chair; Joe Riding, Altoona, secretary; Mary Boote, Des Moines; Nancy Couser, Nevada; Howard Hill, Cambridge; and Bob Sinclair, Sigourney. Chuck Gipp is the director of the DNR. 
