Iowa’s statewide teal only season begins Sept. 1 8/20/2024 3:39:00 PM View Count 5207 “Teal are often abundant this time of year and not wary, they will come in to decoys and be accessible to hunters,” said Orrin Jones, state waterfowl biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Iowa’s teal-only hunting season opens Sept. 1 8/16/2022 1:12:00 PM View Count 4483 Iowa’s 16-day teal only hunting season begins statewide Sept. 1, offering hunters an opportunity to enjoy Iowa’s wetlands and shallow lakes during the mild late summer weather.
Iowa’s teal hunting season opens Sept. 1 8/17/2021 11:41:00 AM View Count 3152 Iowa’s 16-day teal only hunting season begins statewide Sept. 1, offering hunters an opportunity to enjoy Iowa’s wetlands and shallow lakes during the mild late summer weather.
Iowa’s September teal hunting season begins Sept. 1 8/20/2019 12:19:00 PM View Count 4508 Iowa’s 16-day statewide teal-only hunting season begins September 1 and all indicators are pointing towards hunters having a good year in Iowa.