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Iowa’s pheasant hunting Thanksgiving tradition

Iowa’s pheasant hunting Thanksgiving tradition

  • 11/26/2024 11:52:00 AM
  • View Count 6134
Pheasant hunting has been as much a part of the Thanksgiving holiday for generations of Iowans, as cranberries and stuffing. And with a weather forecast that will likely put birds in cover, this would be a good year to continue that tradition and get back to the fields.
Pheasant hunting on Thanksgiving as traditional as pumpkin pie

Pheasant hunting on Thanksgiving as traditional as pumpkin pie

  • 11/23/2021 3:09:00 PM
  • View Count 2658
For many Iowans, a Thanksgiving Day pheasant hunt is as much a part of the holiday tradition as football, battling over the last turkey leg and an afternoon nap, and this year’s outing may be one of the best.
Pheasant hunting: The perfect day

Pheasant hunting: The perfect day

  • 10/18/2016 1:49:00 PM
  • View Count 15412
For a lot of hunters, there is one special time among all of your hunting trips that stands out as having been perfect, a day of pure bliss when all the stars line up just right and everything connects at just the right time and in just the right place.
Iowa’s pheasant season begins October 29

Iowa’s pheasant season begins October 29

  • 10/18/2016 12:16:00 PM
  • View Count 14376
Iowa’s pheasant hunting tradition will begin another chapter on October 29, when nearly 60,000 hunters will pursue ringnecks during the season opening weekend in fields across the state.