Radio tagged Iowa birds part of international migration survey 8/27/2024 3:00:00 PM View Count 5516 Anna Buckardt Thomas was crouched behind a tree about 20 paces off trail at Brown’s Woods county park, watching a mist net while playing a recording of a male wood thrush on a loop hoping to elicit a response.
Donations allow DNR to complete wildlife tracking system to monitor migration 12/12/2023 12:00:00 PM View Count 3951 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has received two $60,000 donations that will allow it to complete its Motus Wildlife Tracking System Network across the state within the next five years.
Growing network of radio stations provide important data on small animal migration 6/14/2022 2:19:00 PM View Count 2912 Iowa joined other Midwestern states, and researchers in Canada and Central and South America to create a network of radio receiver stations to learn more about the long-distance migration patterns of birds, bats and insects.