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Archive by tag: Coralville ReservoirReturn
Minor charged with drug paraphernalia following near drowning incident

Minor charged with drug paraphernalia following near drowning incident

  • 5/26/2019 6:14:00 PM
  • View Count 3404
CORALVILLE, Iowa – DNR Conservation Officers responded to a diving rock on the Coralville Reservoir on Saturday, May 25, around 4:30pm, where a group of approximately 15 teenagers were gathered and one had been rescued after jumping into the water and nearly drowning.
Spill Reaches Coralville Reservoir After Monday Accident

Spill Reaches Coralville Reservoir After Monday Accident

  • 2/16/2016 8:25:00 AM
  • View Count 4320
SWISHER – Liquid runway deicer and diesel fuel spilled after a semi-truck owned by Cryotech Deicing Technology rolled over Monday afternoon along Interstate 380 about 14 miles south of Cedar Rapids.
Wildlife Rehabbers: What it Takes

Wildlife Rehabbers: What it Takes

  • 6/19/2015 11:07:00 AM
  • View Count 24750
A summer storm. A crack of lightning. A thick tree limb crashes to the ground. From a cavity, once 20 feet above ground, high pitched “chirring” and scratching can be heard. A couple whiskered noses poke out, just ahead of the oh-so-familiar black masks. A litter of raccoons is displaced. Now what?