Learn to Hunt program opens registration for women’s upland bird hunting workshop and mentored hunt 9/5/2023 1:06:00 PM View Count 3194 DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering a comprehensive program on hunting upland game for women who have little or no upland bird hunting experience or who are looking to return to the field and build a network of female upland hunters.
Learn to Hunt program opens registration for women’s upland bird hunting workshop and mentored hunt 10/11/2022 12:04:00 PM View Count 3767 DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering a comprehensive program to teach skills needed to hunt upland game. This program is geared towards women 18 years of age and older who have had little to no upland bird hunting experience. The workshop is also an excellent opportunity for women looking to return to the field and build a network of female upland hunters.
Learn to Hunt program opens registration for upland bird virtual Q & A panel discussion 10/5/2022 7:02:00 AM View Count 3319 DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering a virtual program to teach skills needed to hunt, field dress and cook upland birds to those with little or no upland bird hunting experience.
Learn to Hunt program opens registration for upland bird hunting workshop and mentored hunt 10/19/2021 7:09:00 PM View Count 2426 DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering a program to teach skills needed to hunt, field dress and cook upland birds to anyone who has little to no upland bird hunting experience.
Virtual clinic aims to improve hunter skills 11/3/2020 12:29:00 PM View Count 3066 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is hosting a free virtual wing shooting clinic designed to help hunters age 16 and older become more effective waterfowl and upland bird hunters.