Unplug at Pictured Rocks Park 3/10/2017 2:58:00 PM View Count 17453 The first oar through the cool clear water sends ripples of excitement down my spine. I’ve never canoed the Maquoketa River from Monticello to Pictured Rocks Park/Indian Bluffs, but trust the stream will get me there safely.
The Wild Kind: Explore the Wilderness of Palisades-Kepler 8/26/2015 10:27:00 AM View Count 19568 Swift water, rocky cliffs, and a canoe ride that ends with a beer and a burger. It’s a weekend wilderness hoe-down in east-central Iowa.
7 Best Iowa State Parks for Adventurers 7/29/2015 10:18:00 AM View Count 18949 Are you hearty, healthy and raring for some fun? Check out these state forests, recreation areas and parks for some challenging and rewarding adventure ideas right here in Iowa.
Go Ice Climbing this Winter - on an Iowa Grain Silo 2/6/2015 9:07:00 AM View Count 15375 There it stands: a shimmering, crystal tower. A frozen waterfall. A spire of ice. That’s if you look at it from the north side. From the south, it’s just a grain silo.