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Archive by tag: poison ivyReturn
What To Do If You Have Poison Ivy

What To Do If You Have Poison Ivy

  • 7/17/2015 8:11:00 AM
  • View Count 35067
There can’t be a worse feeling. The itch. The burn, almost sizzling at times. The ugly blotches and blisters on your arms, your legs...anywhere you contacted it. Poison ivy.
6 Nature Foolers: Can You Tell the Difference?

6 Nature Foolers: Can You Tell the Difference?

  • 7/10/2015 8:54:00 AM
  • View Count 20809
Mimicry is about more than flattery for these Iowa organisms. Looking similar to a dangerous model helps the mimics of these pairs avoid confrontation, predation and disturbance, particularly from animals that learn to pick a meal based on what its prey looks like. Can you tell the difference?