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Archive by tag: Loess Hills State ForestReturn
Loess Hills Visitors Center renamed for longtime forester

Loess Hills Visitors Center renamed for longtime forester

  • 6/6/2017 11:34:00 AM
  • View Count 4320
A dedication ceremony will be held at the Loess Hills State Forest Visitors’ Center this Thursday, June 8, 3-5 p.m. The center will be officially named the Brent S. Olson Memorial Visitor Center in recognition of Olson, forester for the area who died last December following a long battle with cancer.
Meeting Set to Discuss Proposed Bird Conservation Area in Loess Hills

Meeting Set to Discuss Proposed Bird Conservation Area in Loess Hills

  • 3/1/2016 9:31:00 AM
  • View Count 4677
PISGAH, Iowa – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will discuss the proposed designation of the region including Loess Hills State Forest, Preparation Canyon State Park, and Loess Hills Wildlife Management Area as a state Bird Conservation Area (BCA) at a public meeting on March 16. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Loess Hills State Forest Visitor Center in Pisgah, two blocks west of State Hwy. 183, at 206 Polk Street.
A Walk on the Wild Side: Preparation Canyon and Iowa's Loess Hills

A Walk on the Wild Side: Preparation Canyon and Iowa's Loess Hills

  • 6/3/2015 4:34:00 AM
  • View Count 16611
Visiting western Iowa’s razor-ridged Loess Hills on a hot, breezy summer afternoon that eventually succumbs to the ruling grandeur of a moonlit night is surely as intense an experience today as it was for renowned naturalist and University of Iowa professor Bohumil Shimek as he describes it in a section of the 1909 Iowa Geological Survey Annual Report.