2023 Nesting Report for Peregrine Falcon 4/8/2024 2:24:00 PM View Count 3015 Breeding Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) disappeared from Iowa in the mid-20th Century.
8 cool things you should know about peregrine falcons 4/14/2020 2:05:00 PM View Count 32233 It’s spring, and one of Iowa’s most fascinating and rare birds of prey is currently getting down to the serious business of nesting! Do you know these facts about one of the fastest animals on the planet?
7 Iowa Wildlife Comebacks 3/2/2020 3:43:00 PM View Count 16463 In the last few centuries, a number of Iowa wildlife species have been extirpated from the state - but some have seen successful comebacks, too. Check out these seven animals that have made a comeback in Iowa:
Peregrine falcons building on nesting successes 5/9/2017 3:01:00 PM View Count 7417 DES MOINES - Peregrine falcons have increased their presence in Iowa, with peregrine partners and volunteers now reporting 20 peregrine falcon territories in the state.
Upcoming Outdoor Events 3/21/2017 12:00:00 PM View Count 4357 Attend these exciting outdoors events in Iowa.