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Manure Spill to Small Creek in Union County

  • 6/1/2016 12:59:00 PM
  • View Count 3698
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THAYER – Tuesday afternoon, Union County maintenance staff accidentally nicked a hose used to transport manure while mowing a right-of-way about one mile north of Thayer. 

The hose was not in use. However, about 800 to 900 gallons of residual manure leaked from a small hole. An unknown amount of manure reached an unnamed tributary of Four Mile Creek. 

Iowa Select representatives reported the spill as they responded, quickly placing small dams in the unnamed creek to collect manure and pumping it out to land apply it. 

DNR staff checked the unnamed creek Tuesday. Field tests showed low ammonia levels. They found no dead fish. 

Wednesday morning, DNR was on site and concluded most of the released manure probably remained in the right of way or on the shoulders of the gravel road. 

Iowa Select continues to clean up, scraping and gathering manure along the road edges. 

The DNR will consider appropriate enforcement action.
