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Manure clean-up underway in tributary of North Raccoon River

  • 9/1/2023 3:44:00 PM
  • View Count 3531
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COOPER (Greene County) - The DNR has identified the source of the manure release in an unnamed tributary of the North Raccoon River to the Crosman Land and Livestock confinement facility, located north of the town of Cooper in Greene County.

First reported to the DNR on August 21st, an unknown amount of manure from the confinement’s earthen manure storage basin was found to be flowing through a county drain tile in Drainage District 37B. Excavation around the facility has identified an abandoned clay tile line. The facility has hired an engineer to identify how the manure was able to enter the abandoned line and to permanently fix the problem. 

Crews have pumped, and land applied approximately 450,000 gallons of manure-laden water from the tributary. A large berm was placed upgradient of the pumping activities, and water has been used to flush the county drain tile. Residents have allowed access onto their property to enable the flushing of tile lines and collecting of water.  After the creek and tile lines are cleaned out, the applicators will pump out and land apply manure from the basin. 

Ammonia concentrations are decreasing in the tile lines and the stream. Berms have been put in place to prevent manure from reaching the North Racoon River. The DNR will continue to monitor clean-up efforts and consider appropriate enforcement action.
