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DNR Investigating Manure Runoff Complaint South of Red Oak

  • 1/29/2016 10:56:00 AM
  • View Count 3998
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COBURG – The DNR Atlantic field office is investigating a complaint of manure runoff about three miles southwest of Coburg near the Montgomery–Page county line.

DNR staff found manure runoff and snow melt leading to an unnamed tributary to the East Nishnabotna River. Field tests show ammonia levels of greater than 10 parts per million, which is high enough to kill fish. However, staff found no dead fish in the stream.

Water samples collected from the creek will be sent for laboratory analysis.

Field staff are working to determine which of several potential sources is responsible for the runoff. DNR will continue to monitor the situation, and look for the responsible party to begin clean up.

The DNR will consider appropriate enforcement action.
