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DNR Enforcement Actions, published 3/31/2022

  • 3/31/2022 2:25:00 PM
  • View Count 1472
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DES MOINES – DNR staff work with individuals, businesses and communities to help them protect our natural resources by complying with state and federal laws. This approach is very effective. In the few cases where compliance cannot be achieved, the DNR issues enforcement actions. The following list summarizes recent enforcement actions. Find the entire, original orders on DNR’s website at 

Consent Orders A consent order is issued as an alternative to issuing an administrative order. A consent order indicates that the DNR has voluntarily entered into a legally enforceable agreement with the other party.

Allamakee County

Regancrest Holsteins, LLC
Comply with all laws governing animal feeding operations and water quality standards; develop a standard operating procedure to ensure operational or maintenance failures involving the manure pumping system do not cause manure releases; and pay a $1,500 administrative penalty.

Guthrie County

Guthrie Center Fire Department
Develop and implement a written protocol on how to comply with federal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants asbestos regulations and with open burning and solid waste disposal laws; and pay a $1,500 administrative penalty.

Monona County

Sunset at the Oasis, LLC
Comply with all laws related to the construction of wastewater and drinking water systems; cease operation of the campground facility until a construction permit has been issued; and pay a $7,000 administrative penalty.

Page County

Jacob Wagoner dba Wagoner Construction, LLC
Submit a plan on asbestos demolition compliance and on asbestos-containing demolition debris disposal; and pay a $6,000 administrative penalty.

Washington County

Reschly Metals, Inc. and Terry Reschly
Cease improper handling and storage of appliances and comply with all applicable laws in the future; cease and prevent open burning of combustible materials and comply with all applicable laws in the future; comply with all requirements of the facility's stormwater pollution prevention plan; and pay a $1,500 administrative penalty.

Administrative Orders

Responsible parties have 60 days to appeal the order or 60 days to pay the penalty.

Linn County
Digital Print Enterprises, LLC
Submit a renewal application for its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit or immediately cease all discharges from the facility; and pay a $1,000 administrative penalty.
