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Input Requested on the 2014 Iowa Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report

  • 12/16/2015 8:15:00 AM
  • View Count 4341
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The DNR seeks comments on its draft of the legislatively mandated 2014 Iowa Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report.

Interested parties may review the draft report available on the DNR website at The DNR seeks information or suggestions that would improve the accuracy of the report. Send corrections or comments to Marnie Stein at by 4:30 p.m., Dec. 29, 2015.

When published, this will be the ninth greenhouse gas inventory conducted for Iowa. The inventory is a policy-neutral calculation of Iowa greenhouse gas emissions in 2014, which includes various sectors, such as: agriculture, fossil fuel combustion, industrial processes, natural gas transmission and distribution, transportation and waste. It also includes carbon sinks from land use, land use change and forestry. 
