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EPC to Hear Manure Management Report, Rule on Contracts

  • 12/3/2015 10:20:00 AM
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WINDSOR HEIGHTS – Commissioners will hear a presentation on manure management, and be asked to approve contracts and an air quality referral to the Iowa Attorney General, at the Dec. 15 Environmental Protection Commission meeting.

The presentation will lead off the 10 a.m. meeting of the Iowa Environmental Protection Commission at the DNR’s Air Quality Bureau, 7900 Hickman Road in Windsor Heights.

DNR staff will summarize DNR’s response to a citizen group’s complaints on how DNR handles and reviews manure management plans in five counties. Staff will also provide a brief overview of the MMP program. Animal confinements (totally roofed facilities) that house more than 500 animal units or 1,250 finishing hogs must have the plans.

The regular meeting is open to the public. Time for public comments follows the presentation. People may also submit written comments to the commission by mail or email to Jerah Sheets,, in advance of the meeting.

In addition, the DNR will ask commissioners to approve a contract with the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research to complete a social assessment for the Lyons Creek watershed in Hamilton County. The assessment aims to research reasons behind low landowner participation in a three-year project to improve water quality in the area, which has the highest levels of nitrate export in the Boone River watershed. Results will help other Iowa watershed improvement efforts develop outreach approaches and goals.

At 1 p.m., commissioners will rule on a proposed referral to the Attorney General’s office of the Cedar Rapids Community School District and Abatement Specialities regarding asbestos violations of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.

The complete agenda follows:
Agenda topics
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Monthly Reports
DNR Follow Up to ICCI Manure Management Plan Report
Public Participation
Director’s Remarks
Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund – FY 2016 Intended Use Plans, Third Quarter Updates
Solid Waste Alternatives Program – Contract Recommendation
University of Iowa Hydroscience & Engineering Update
Contract – UNI GIS Facility – General GIS Services
Contract with University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research--Lyons Creek Watershed Social Assessment
State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision for Fine Particulate Matter
2015 Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant Program - Recommendations
Notice of Intended Action – Wastewater Cleanup Rule, 567 IAC Chapters 60, 62, 63, 64, and 67
Referral to the Attorney General - Cedar Rapids Community School District / Abatement Specialities, LLC (Cedar Rapids) – Air Quality
General Discussion
EPC Annual Report
Items for Next Month’s Meeting
Jan. 20, 2016 – Legislature Meet & Greet, Joint NRC/EPC Meeting, and EPC Business Meeting, Capitol Complex
Feb. 16, 2016 – EPC Business Meeting, Windsor Heights

For agenda details, see: 

Commissioners include Mary Boote, Des Moines, chair; Chad Ingels, Randalia, vice chair; Cindy Greiman, Garner, secretary; Nancy Couser, Nevada; Bob Sinclair, Sigourney; Gene Ver Steeg, Inwood; LaQuanda Hoskins, Bettendorf; Ralph Lents, Menlo; and Joe Riding, Altoona. Chuck Gipp is the director of the DNR.
