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EPC to tour northeast Iowa prior to September 18 meeting

  • 9/6/2018 2:09:00 PM
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ELKADER—Prior to its business meeting, the Environmental Protection Commission will learn about the unique geology that makes northeast Iowa a trout-fishing destination.

At 12:30, following lunch at Country Rose Café, 112 Commercial St. in Strawberry Point, commissioners will assemble for a tour of the area’s unique karst topography, which includes sinkholes and cold water streams. Tour guides come from the University of Iowa’s Geological Survey. The public is welcome to attend. Dinner follows at 6 p.m. in the Franklin Hotel Restaurant, 102 Elkader St., Strawberry Point.

Starting at 10 a.m., Sept. 18, commissioners will hold their business meeting at the Osborne Welcome Center, 29862 Osborne Road, Elkader. The meeting is open to the public. At the discretion of the chairperson, requests to speak during the business meeting will be limited to comments that specifically address agenda items.

Budgets for state fiscal years 2020 and 2021 are up for commissioners’ approval. Commissioners will also be asked to approve contracts with the University of Iowa Flood Center, the U.S. Geological Survey and several entities proposing solid waste alternative projects.

Annual fees for water use permits and quarterly plans for wastewater and drinking water revolving loan projects are also up for approval.

Please submit requests to speak and written comments to Jerah Sheets at or 515-313-8909, or DNR, 502 E. Ninth St., Des Moines, IA 50319  by noon the day before the meeting.

The complete agenda follows:

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the Minutes
Monthly Reports
Acting Director’s Remarks
FY2020- FY2021 Budget Request
Contract Amendment #2 with University of Iowa Flood Center
Solid Waste Alternatives Program – Contract Recommendations
Water Supply – Water Use & Allocation Annual Permit Fee
Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund - FY 2019 Intended Use Plans
The United States Geological Survey
General Discussion

  • Annual Report New Due Dates

Items for Next Month’s Meeting

  • Oct. 16 – EPC Business Meeting – Des Moines
  • Nov. 20 – EPC Business Meeting – Des Moines 

The complete agenda and item briefs are available on the DNR website.

Commissioners include: Ralph Lents, Menlo, chair; Joe Riding, Altoona, vice chair; Rebecca Guinn, Bettendorf, Secretary; Mary Boote, Des Moines; Nancy Couser, Nevada; Howard Hill, Cambridge; Harold Hommes, Windsor Heights; and Bob Sinclair, Sigourney. Bruce Trautman is the acting director of the DNR. 
