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State archery tournament begins March 10 in Des Moines

  • 2/27/2018 11:31:00 AM
  • View Count 4770
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An estimated 1,900 Iowa students in grades four through 12 will be at the Iowa State Fairgrounds March 10-11 competing in the Iowa State Archery Tournament.

The two-day bullseye competition will be held in the Richard O. Jacobson Exhibition Center, while the one-day 3-D competition will take place in the Elwell Family Food Center.

Competition begins on March 10 at 8 a.m. for the bullseye tournament and 8:15 a.m. for the 3-D tournament. The bullseye tournament resumes at 8 a.m. on March 11.  

“We are really fortunate to have so much interest in this program and event,” said Donise Petersen, archery coordinator for the Iowa DNR. “Archery really levels the playing field, allowing students of all sizes and abilities to participate and excel.”

The tournament features a full field of 72 teams shooting for $8,000 in scholarships and other prizes and a chance to go to nationals later this spring. Results will be posted online at

The state tournament is sponsored by the Iowa Bowhunters Association, Whitetails Unlimited, Iowa State Archery Association and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

The tournament is again partnering with the Food Bank of Iowa to help those in need. Anyone contributing nonperishable food or monetary donations will be entered into a drawing for prizes, including targets and a bow.

Tickets are available for $5 at the door. Attendees may receive a $1 discount by showing their hunting or fishing license. Attendees aged 17 and younger get in for free. The admission on Saturday includes access to the bullseye and 3-D tournament.

The tournament will feature a hands-on expo with vendors included with the price of admission.
