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Are you ready for winter?

  • 12/22/2016 1:43:00 PM
  • View Count 3974
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Restrictions on Manure Application on Frozen Ground started Dec. 21. Winter manure application is risky – to our waters. When the ground is snow-covered or frozen, manure runoff is more likely to occur. Reminder for confinement operations with 500 animal units or more: Starting Dec. 21, according to state law, liquid manure cannot be applied to fields covered with an inch of snow or one-half inch of ice, except in an emergency. Land application is still allowed if manure can be properly injected or incorporated. Starting Feb. 1, liquid manure on frozen ground is also restricted until April 1. Call the local DNR field officeprior to  any emergency application. 

While not required of open feedlots and dry manure producers, all livestock and poultry producers can help protect water quality by using common sense and choosing application areas far from a stream, and on flat land with little snow cover. All producers must follow setbacks from buildings and environmentally sensitive areas for surface application. Find more tips on winter manure application and the science behind it in the latest Iowa Manure Management Action Group (IMMAG) update
