Iowa’s furharvest season began Nov. 4 11/7/2023 11:54:00 AM View Count 4996 Iowa trappers can expect to find good numbers of furbearers statewide during the 2023-24 season, that began on Nov. 4.
7 Iowa Wildlife Comebacks 3/2/2020 3:43:00 PM View Count 16497 In the last few centuries, a number of Iowa wildlife species have been extirpated from the state - but some have seen successful comebacks, too. Check out these seven animals that have made a comeback in Iowa:
Iowa’s furbearer season begins Nov. 2 10/22/2019 3:43:00 PM View Count 6855 Furharvesters take note: the outlook is pretty decent for most of the commonly targeted species ahead of Iowa’s furbearer hunting and trapping season.
Iowa furbearer season begins November 5 10/25/2016 12:28:00 PM View Count 12533 Iowa fur harvesters will find good numbers of raccoons, muskrats, beaver, coyotes, bobcats, river otters and mink when the furbearer trapping and hunting season opens on Nov. 5.
Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Otters 11/26/2014 6:42:00 AM View Count 25203 They may look cute and cuddly, but don’t let the playfulness of Iowa’s river otters trick you. Otters are serious swimmers and fearless, voracious predators. Here are some cool facts you may not have known about Iowa’s swimming weasels.