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Management planned for Eurasian watermilfoil found at Clear Lake

Management planned for Eurasian watermilfoil found at Clear Lake

  • 8/13/2024 2:37:00 PM
  • View Count 5021
CLEAR LAKE - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently discovered that Eurasian watermilfoil has spread in Clear Lake in Cerro Gordo County. A small area was originally found last fall east of the McIntosh Beach and treated this May. A larger area was found last week near Farmer’s Beach.
Time to start planning to control plants in Iowa ponds

Time to start planning to control plants in Iowa ponds

  • 4/23/2024 12:15:00 PM
  • View Count 1854
A healthy pond needs aquatic plants, but too many plants can limit the pond’s use and cause imbalances in the fish population. If you had problems using your pond last year because of aquatic plant growth, you could have similar problems this year.
Invasive aquatic plants confirmed at West Okoboji Lake

Invasive aquatic plants confirmed at West Okoboji Lake

  • 8/9/2023 7:28:00 AM
  • View Count 4146
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently discovered Eurasian watermilfoil growing throughout the canals near Miller’s Bay and The Harbor canals on West Okoboji Lake in Dickinson County. Brittle naiad was also found in the Triboji lagoon. No Eurasian watermilfoil or brittle naiad was found in the main lake of West Okoboji or the other lakes in the Iowa Great Lakes chain.
Time to start planning to control plants in Iowa ponds

Time to start planning to control plants in Iowa ponds

  • 4/18/2023 4:22:00 PM
  • View Count 2833
A healthy pond needs aquatic plants, but too many plants can limit the pond’s use and cause imbalances in the fish population. If you had problems using your pond last year because of aquatic plant growth, you could have similar problems this year.
Minor Source Air Emission Inventories for Central Iowa due May 15

Minor Source Air Emission Inventories for Central Iowa due May 15

  • 1/24/2023 1:25:00 PM
  • View Count 10038
Minor source facilities located in the central third of Iowa (counties listed below) and all portable plants must submit their Minor Source Emission Inventory (MSEI) for calendar year 2022 emissions by May 15, 2023. If your facility is required to complete this year’s report, you will receive a letter from DNR.
Late summer underwater aquatic plant control for ponds

Late summer underwater aquatic plant control for ponds

  • 8/2/2022 12:15:00 PM
  • View Count 3709
A healthy pond needs aquatic plants, but too many can upset a fishing pond’s balance and become a nuisance. Many pond owners struggle with how to control the amount of aquatic plants, without completely removing all of them, so they can enjoy their pond.
Time to start planning to control plants in Iowa ponds

Time to start planning to control plants in Iowa ponds

  • 4/19/2022 11:54:00 AM
  • View Count 1920
A healthy pond needs aquatic plants, but too many plants can limit the pond’s use and cause imbalances in the fish population. If you had problems using your pond last year because of aquatic plant growth, you could have similar problems this year.
Late summer underwater aquatic plant control for ponds

Late summer underwater aquatic plant control for ponds

  • 8/4/2020 11:39:00 AM
  • View Count 2138
A healthy pond needs aquatic plants, but too many can upset a fishing pond’s balance and become a nuisance. Many pond owners struggle with how to control the amount of aquatic plants, without completely removing all of them, so they can enjoy their pond.
6 ways to help monarchs in your own backyard

6 ways to help monarchs in your own backyard

  • 7/5/2019 4:52:00 PM
  • View Count 12374
One of the most recognized pollinators, monarchs travel more than 3,000 miles each year to come visit Iowa for the summer. With declining numbers over the last decade, here are some ways you can help these beautiful orange and black butterflies:
Late summer underwater aquatic plant control for ponds

Late summer underwater aquatic plant control for ponds

  • 8/8/2017 1:33:00 PM
  • View Count 3613
Pond plants are necessary for a healthy pond, but too many can upset a fishing pond’s balance and become a nuisance. Many pond owners struggle with how to control a number of aquatic plants, without completely removing all plants, so they can enjoy their pond.
How do plants come back each year if they die in the winter?

How do plants come back each year if they die in the winter?

  • 1/10/2017 10:23:00 AM
  • View Count 26456
As the wind grows cooler, leaves drop and snow begins to fall, it’s easy to look at a shriveled, brown plant in the yard and think it’s dead. But that’s just what’s above the surface. Below ground, the plant is still alive, just settled in for a long winter’s nap.
Aerial spraying planned to combat invasive plants on wildlife areas

Aerial spraying planned to combat invasive plants on wildlife areas

  • 10/20/2016 8:29:00 AM
  • View Count 5037
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be aerial spraying for bush honeysuckle on the Mount Ayr, Sand Creek, Dekalb and Red Rock Wildlife Management areas (WMA) in south central Iowa through mid-November.  Spraying will occur after most trees have lost their leaves but while the honeysuckle leaves are still green.
7 Tips for Starting a Backyard Pollinator Garden

7 Tips for Starting a Backyard Pollinator Garden

  • 8/11/2016 2:05:00 PM
  • View Count 40060
Not all wildlife is supersized. Small animals, including insects and hummingbirds, are responsible for the processes that bring us everything from cotton for clothes to the strawberries in the supermarket. According to the American Honeybee Federation, honeybees alone are responsible for up to 90 percent of the pollination of certain crops, and contribute more than a $14 billion value to the U.S. agricultural industry. With the recent declines in honeybee and monarch butterfly populations, you can make an importa...
40th Annual Loess Hills Prairie Seminar - Fascinations of the Loess Hills

40th Annual Loess Hills Prairie Seminar - Fascinations of the Loess Hills

  • 5/3/2016 1:32:00 PM
  • View Count 5737
The Loess Hills Prairie Seminar, sponsored annually by the Northwest Area Education Agency, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Monona County Conservation, is June 3-5, beginning at West Monona High School, in Onawa, and then moving to the Loess Hills Wildlife Management Area campground, near Castana.
Now is the Time to Start Controlling Plants in Iowa Ponds

Now is the Time to Start Controlling Plants in Iowa Ponds

  • 4/19/2016 8:41:00 AM
  • View Count 4769
Although pond plant growth is not exactly the same each year; if you had problems using your pond last year, chances are that similar problems will exist this year. A healthy pond needs aquatic plant habitat, but too much of a good thing can inhibit the pond’s use and cause imbalances in the fish population.
What To Do If You Have Poison Ivy

What To Do If You Have Poison Ivy

  • 7/17/2015 8:11:00 AM
  • View Count 35095
There can’t be a worse feeling. The itch. The burn, almost sizzling at times. The ugly blotches and blisters on your arms, your legs...anywhere you contacted it. Poison ivy.
7 Native, Easy to Care For Plants for Your Yard

7 Native, Easy to Care For Plants for Your Yard

  • 5/12/2015 11:15:00 AM
  • View Count 27323
Natives are resilient and pest resistant, take less watering and care, and will reward you with an April through October blooming season. With some 250 native prairie plants (translate prairie as “sun-loving”) to choose from, which plants are the must-haves for the average garden?
Bee Beautiful – 5 Tips to Attract Pollinators to Your Backyard

Bee Beautiful – 5 Tips to Attract Pollinators to Your Backyard

  • 4/29/2015 10:29:00 AM
  • View Count 27473
One out of every three bites of food we eat relies on pollinators, mostly insects, to reproduce. Unfortunately, bees (colony and solitary), butterflies and moths, bats, birds and beetles are facing challenges due to habitat loss, disease, parasites and pesticides.