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Status of Elm Lake Focus of July 6 Meeting

  • 6/22/2016 2:54:00 PM
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CLARION, Iowa - Staff with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be on hand on July 6, from 3:30-6:30 p.m., at the Wright County Conservation Board shelter on the north end of Lake Cornelia for an informal meeting to talk about the current state of Elm Lake and potential future management plans. 

The 460-acre shallow natural lake suffers from a high carp population that uproots aquatic vegetation and stirs up sediment causing poor water quality with little recreation value.

“We would like to take this lake from one with some of the poorest water quality in the state, to one with excellent water quality that is measured in feet rather than inches, like it has been for the past few decades, is attractive to waterfowl with a healthy fishery,” said Iowa DNR wildlife biologist TJ Herrick. 

Herrick said the first step is to talk with people who enjoy Elm Lake and how they can partner to make the lake better.

“We want to hear from area residents what their vision is for a healthy Elm Lake,” he said. 

The Iowa DNR has been working to improve shallow lakes for the past decade.  Results of previous shallow lake restorations can be seen at Rice Lake and Worth County’s Silver Lake. 
