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DNR enforcement actions, published 12/05/2024

  • 12/5/2024 3:10:00 PM
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DES MOINES – DNR staff work with individuals, businesses and communities to help them protect our natural resources by complying with state and federal laws. This approach is very effective. In the few cases where compliance cannot be achieved, the DNR issues enforcement actions. The following list summarizes recent enforcement actions. Find the entire, original orders on DNR’s website at 

Consent Orders A consent order is issued as an alternative to issuing an administrative order. A consent order indicates that the DNR has voluntarily entered into a legally enforceable agreement with the other party.

Adams County

Gary West

Remove and land apply all liquid manure and manure solids from the earthen lagoon and below-building pits and properly close the animal feeding operation by May 1, 2025; submit a status update on the manure removal by November 15 and March 15, or until the manure has been removed and properly land applied; and pay a stipulated administrative penalty of $5,000.

Cherokee County

Scot Ladenthin

Pay a $2,000 administrative penalty.

Dubuque County

Strief Farms, Inc.

Provide documentation that all discharges of manure from the facility through tile lines have permanently ceased; developed a Plan of Action detailing how manure from the facility will be maintained in the storage structures between land application in the future; submit the Plan of Action for approval and immediately implement upon approval; and pay a $7,500 administrative penalty.

Hardin County

Mid-State Milling, Inc.

Modify the receiving bay to comply with its air quality construction permit and applicable state and federal law; either submit a construction permit application for the unpermitted as-built vent connected to the storage bin or modify the stack to be internally vented; conduct an independent third-party environmental audit to determine the compliance status of all air emitting sources at the facility and submit the audit report to the DNR; the audit report shall document any discovered violations, needed corrective actions, and a schedule for compliance; and pay a $9,000 administrative penalty.

Pottawattamie County

Anthony Weinfurtner

Surrender drinking water treatment certifications and do not retest until January 1, 2026; and do not perform any shift operator or operator-in-charge responsibilities until properly recertified.

Administrative Orders

Responsible parties have 60 days to appeal the order or 60 days to pay the penalty.

Muscatine County

Kelly Zuniga

Cease all future illegal solid waste disposal activity and illegal open burning.
