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Electronic Air Compliance Reporting is Now Available

  • 11/4/2024 3:19:00 PM
  • View Count 3982
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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) now offers electronic reporting for air quality compliance reports. The Air Quality Records and Reporting (AQRR) Compliance Reporting system is a web-based application which allows industry to electronically sign and submit compliance reports to the DNR while utilizing your current forms in PDF format.

This new feature will make reporting faster and will save on paper and mailing expenses. A single submission in AQRR Compliance Reporting will satisfy the requirement to mail separate reports to the Air Quality Bureau and the DNR Field Office. Additionally, AQRR eliminates the requirement to have a wet ink signature by utilizing an EPA approved electronic certification and signature. 

AQRR Compliance Reporting allows facilities to electronically sign and submit the following compliance reports:

  • Title V Annual Compliance Certifications,
  • Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring Reports,
  • National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Pollutants,
  • New Source Performance Standards, and
  • Continuous Emissions Monitoring/Continuous Opacity Monitoring.

You can find links to AQRR and other electronic services by clicking here or by going to the eAirServices webpage at Please contact Julie Duke at (515) 669-8474 or at with any questions.
