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DNR seeks public input on state park administrative rule revisions

  • 7/9/2024 12:01:00 PM
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The DNR is seeking informal comments on administrative rules for Iowa state parks and related programs. Executive Order 10 (EO10), signed by the Governor on January 10, 2023, requires all state agencies to identify which administrative rule chapters will be retained or rescinded. The EO10 process includes public engagement with the opportunity for meaningful input.

The Iowa DNR has reviewed the following rule chapters relating to programs administered by the Parks Forests and Preserves Bureau: 571 IAC Chapter 46 (All-Terrain Vehicles, Off-Road Motorcycles and Off-Road Utility Vehicles) and Chapter 47 (Snowmobiles). Based on the review, DNR has revised these chapters to eliminate redundancies and improve efficiency.

The public is invited to provide informal comments on the proposed rule changes. DNR will accept written comments through July 19, 2024. Written comments or questions regarding the proposed rules should be submitted to for 571 IAC Chapters 46 and 47. Comments should be made to specific portions of the rules.

After receiving and reviewing informal comments, the DNR will create a draft Regulatory Analysis and draft Notice of Intended Action. The DNR will host a formal public comment period for these drafts, followed by a public hearing, in September 2024.

Versions of the rules, including a “clean” copy and a version showing revisions, can be found on the DNR webpage:
