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Air Quality Rules Crosswalk and Document Updates

  • 6/24/2024 3:54:00 PM
  • View Count 2026
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The DNR has finalized air quality rule changes to implement Executive Order 10 (EO10). The final rules for section 567 Iowa Administrative Code (IAC), Chapters 15 and 20-35, were published on May 15, 2024, in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin and the IAC Supplement. The rule changes became effective on June 19, 2024.

For assistance navigating the new air quality rules, please access the EO10 Rules Crosswalk available on the Rules & Planning page at The Crosswalk and information on previous EO10 activities are also available on the Public Participation page at

Additionally, many Air Quality documents and forms were recently updated to incorporate the DNR’s central office address change, new branding, and updated rule citations. The updated documents have been posted where applicable throughout the Air Quality website and are available for download. Note that if you previously downloaded a form or other document it may have since been superseded with a new version due to these updates.

For questions or assistance, email Jessica Reese McIntyre at
