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Landowners invited to Women’s Woodland Stewardship Network events in Amana, Fairfield

  • 4/30/2024 11:46:00 AM
  • View Count 1770
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The Women’s Woodland Stewardship Network is hosting two events in May for women who are landowners.

“Your woodlands are valuable resources and their potential can be increased and expanded through management. The first step is knowing more about your woods and defining your goals and that’s what these events are for,” said Lisa Louck, district forester with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Louck said forestry experts will lead low-intensity walks through the woods while discussing woodland management, tree and plant identification, how to manage for pollinators, wildlife and lumber, and more. Information on forestry and wildlife resources, as well as cost share programs available will be included near the end of the event.

The events are scheduled for May 1, in the Amana Colonies, from 6-8 p.m., and again on May 16, at Lamson Woods Preserve, in Fairfield, from 6-8 p.m.

To register for the Amana event, contact Louck, at 319-759-1108 or, for location and shuttle information. The event is hosted by the Iowa DNR, ISU Extension and Outreach and Amana Forestry.

To register for the Fairfield event, contact Louck at 319-759-1108 or The event is hosted by the Iowa DNR and ISU Extension and Outreach.
