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Learn to Hunt program opens registration for beginner furharvesting workshops

  • 8/23/2022 12:08:00 PM
  • View Count 4711
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DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering a program to teach skills needed to trap furbearers to anyone who has little to no trapping experience.

The five workshops will feature several knowledge and skill building sessions with instructors that will teach the basics of trapping in Iowa.

“For those interested in the tradition of trapping as a means of sourcing fur, this program provides the opportunity to learn the skills and the knowledge it takes to do it all yourself,” said Jamie Cook, program coordinator with the Iowa DNR.

Participants will learn basic strategies for trapping, such as proper equipment, trap placement, trapping regulations and steps for preparing hides for trade.

The courses take place in various locations statewide with times and details varying for each event.  Each course is designed for participants of all ages.   Space is limited, so be sure to register right away.

For more information and to register, visit the links below.

August 27th - Knoxville, IA

August 27th – Ruthven, IA

September 18th - Clear Lake, IA

October 22nd - Hazelton, IA

November 19th - St. Charles IA

The program is provided through a partnership with the Iowa DNR and Iowa Trapper Association. It is part of a national effort to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters, anglers and trappers due to the overall decline in hunting and outdoor recreation.
