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Annual Volga State Recreation Area forestry field day set for May 24

  • 4/19/2022 11:52:00 AM
  • View Count 1243
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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is hosting a forestry field day at Volga State Recreation Area on May 24, that will showcase different topics encountered by timber owners from oak regeneration to whether or not to hold a timber sale.

“Volga is a unique property and a great spot to hold an annual forestry field day because we’re doing a lot of different management onsite and you can highlight many different activities,” said Jason Walker, district forester for the Iowa DNR.

The forestry field day is showcasing six topics in two sessions. The morning session includes woodland oak regeneration, forest erosion control, and timber sales/markets. The afternoon session includes water quality, fisheries discussion and a forester open discussion. Each topic last 30-35 minutes and attendees will rotate through all of the topics.

“We’re hoping to expand our participation to include anyone who is interested in the outdoors or has an interest in the environment,” Walker said. “Participants will have the opportunity to see different things and ask questions to our panel of experts.”

Registration is required. Call the Fayette County Extension at 563-425-3331 to register. There is a $15 fee for lunch. The field day will originate from the Volga State Recreation Area headquarters at 10225 Ivy Road, Fayette.


9:30 AM  Registration 

10 AM  Travel to Sites

10:15 AM Concurrent Sessions (30-35 mins each)

  • Woodland Oak Regeneration
  • Forest Erosion Control
  • Timber Sales/Markets

NOON Travel to sites – Lunch ($15/RSVP Required) (NEIFAC Mini-Topic)

1:15 PM  Concurrent Sessions  (30-35 mins each)

  • Water Quality
  • Fisheries Discussion
  • Ask a Forester Open Discussion

3 PM Field Day wrap up and final thoughts

4 PM (Optional) Northeast Iowa Forestry Advisory Council Meeting and BBQ
          (Free Will Offering)

The Iowa DNR is partnering with Iowa State University Extension and the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service on the event.
