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Taxes are for the birds...and other vulnerable wildlife

  • 1/28/2022 2:18:00 PM
  • View Count 1848
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We know taxes aren't a lot of fun, but there is a small thing you can do to feel better about the process. Donating to the Fish/Wildlife Fund (also known as the Chickadee Checkoff) on line 57 of your Iowa state tax form, can help support thousands of vulnerable species through research, habitat development and education.

Yep, you can make a big difference.
The Chickadee Check-off was put on the state tax form in the early 1980s and it is one of the vital sources of funding for the Iowa DNR's Wildlife Diversity Program. It allows Iowa tax payers to donate a portion of their state tax refund to wildlife conservation. If every Iowa taxpayer gave $1 that would mean $1.5 million for wildlife! Here's some examples of what donations to the chickadee check-off support:

  • Inventory and monitoring of all wildlife in Iowa through the Multiple Species Inventory and Monitoring Program as well as several community science based surveys.
  • Best practices for pollinator conservation through research and education in Iowa. 
  • Songbirds through the establishment of Bird Conservation Areas
  • And much more!

Just over 7,100 tax payers donated generously during the 2020 tax year.  Almost $175,000; an almost $25,000 increase from the year before!  This represents the largest increase in check-off donations in 25 years! A huge heartfelt thanks to all of you who made a donation and a difference!

Look for the Checkoff on the Iowa State Tax Form.
It's easy to do: Look for the Fish/Wildlife Fund, line 57 on Form 1040. If you use a tax preparer, be sure and ask about the Fish/Wildlife Fund! They may overlook it.

Thanks for your support! 
