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Operation Dry Water 2020 nets 11 arrests

  • 7/21/2020 12:46:00 PM
  • View Count 5552
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Operation Dry Water took place July 3-5, 2020 and focused eliminating boating under the influence (BUI). This year, in Iowa, 140 officers spent over 2,500 hours making contact with over 6,400 boaters on Iowa waterways.

During that enforcement operation, 11 people were arrested for BUI. There were 392 additional citations or warnings issued.

The DNR reminds boaters to always obey these rules:

  • Alcohol and boating don’t mix. Wind, sun glare and heat can enhance the effects of alcohol, hindering the operator’s ability to make necessary decisions.
  • The same limit of .08 for operating a vehicle under the influence applies to boating.
  • Always have a designated operator that avoids consuming alcohol.
  • Wear your life jacket, it floats, you don’t! Any children 12 and under must wear a lifejacket at all times on a vessel underway in Iowa.

The DNR Law Enforcement Bureau partnered with DNR State Parks, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dubuque Police Department, Illinois DNR, Nebraska Game & Parks, Wisconsin DNR, Linn County Conservation and the Johnson, Mills, Fremont, Clayton, and Crawford County Sheriff’s Offices.  
