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DNR enforcement actions

  • 5/17/2018 11:34:00 AM
  • View Count 3956
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DES MOINES – DNR staff work with individuals, businesses, and communities to help them protect our natural resources by complying with state and federal laws. This approach is very effective. In the few cases where compliance cannot be achieved, the DNR issues enforcement actions. The following list summarizes recent enforcement actions. Find the entire, original orders on DNR’s website at

Consent Orders
A consent order is issued as an alternative to issuing an administrative order. A consent order indicates that the DNR has voluntarily entered into a legally enforceable agreement with the other party.

Pottawattamie County
TS Development LLC
Cease all illegal discharges to waters of the state, comply with all conditions of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. 2 for the subject site, and pay $7,000 penalty.

Administrative Orders
Responsible parties have 30 days to appeal the order or 60 days to pay the penalty.

Butler County
Jeremy Vander Vegt and Boerderij De Veldhoek, LLC
Amendment to Consent Order No. 2016-AFO-05: eliminate administrative penalties (1,000) due to the conclusion of the Iowa Department of Revenue that the penalty is uncollectible.

Clinton County
Harold Wayne Linnaberry
Amendment to Consent Order No. 2005-SW-06: eliminate administrative penalties (10,000) due to the conclusion of the Iowa Department of Revenue that the penalty is uncollectible.

Webster County
Steve Friesth
Amendment to Consent Order No. 2011-SW-27/2011-AQ-25: eliminate remaining administrative penalties (6,650.24; paid $3,349.76) due to the conclusion of the Iowa Department of Revenue that the penalty is uncollectible. 
