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Meetings for Fee Advisory Groups Moved to February 8, 2017

  • 12/29/2016 8:28:00 AM
  • View Count 3727
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The Air Quality Bureau is moving the meetings for the Fee Advisory Groups from January 11 to February 8 to allow for more time to gather information on the draft budget.  Please join us on February 8 to review and provide comment on the draft Air Quality Bureau budget for the next state fiscal year.  The advisory group meetings are scheduled as follows:

No changes are anticipated for any of the following fees:

  • The asbestos notification fee,
  • The minor source construction permit application fees,
  • The major source construction permit application fees, or
  • The Title V application fee. 

The draft budget for the Title V emissions fee includes an anticipated increase from $67.50 to $70 per ton. 

The meetings will be held at the Air Quality Bureau at 7900 Hickman Rd, Ste 1, Windsor Heights, IA 50324.  The agendas will be posted on the website prior to each Fee Advisory Group meeting.  The agendas can also be viewed by going to and clicking on Stakeholder Involvement.  The information is under Workgroups, and Fee Advisory Groups. 

We hope that you will participate in the meetings as applicable and provide us with input on the draft budget. Please RSVP with Wendy Walker at or at (515) 725-9570 to ensure adequate seating. 
