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New resources available for Air Quality construction permits

  • 12/13/2016 10:25:00 AM
  • View Count 3909
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In a continuous effort to improve services, new resources have been created for applicants to answer two of the most common construction permitting questions.

Construction Allowed Prior to Permit Issuance
Many construction permit applicants ask about the types of activities they can do prior to the issuance of their construction permit.  The Construction Permitting Section has developed a resource to help applicants with that question.  The document is titled “Construction Allowed Prior to Permit Issuance” and can be found under the General Guidance tab in the Construction Permitting portion of the Air Quality Bureau website located at

The fact sheet goes through common activities that companies routinely ask to start or complete prior to the issuance of their construction permit and provides guidance depending on the regulations that apply to the facility and equipment being constructed.

Change in Ownership
The Construction Permitting Section has also developed a resource to assist owners with the most common questions received when a permitted facility undergoes a change in ownership.  The document is titled “Change in Facility Ownership Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)” and can be found under the General Guidance tab in the Construction Permitting portion of the Air Quality Bureau website located at

The FAQ explains the process of notifying the Department for Construction Permits and Permits by Rule for Spray Booths.  The document explains that when this notification process is followed there is no need for a permit amendment and the existing permits should not be rescinded, so long as the Equipment Location address is remaining the same and no other modifications to the equipment or emission point is necessary.  The document also explains situations that may require a new permit, permit amendments, or rescissions. 


For additional clarification on either of these guidance documents or if you have any additional questions about construction permitting please call the Air Quality Construction Permit Hotline at 1-877-AIR-IOWA (1-877-247-4692).
