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Meetings to discuss statewide lake bacteria water quality improvement plan

Meetings to discuss statewide lake bacteria water quality improvement plan

  • 3/5/2020 2:14:00 PM
  • View Count 2356
DES MOINES – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in lake environments for bacteria can attend one of three meetings across the state Mar. 18, Mar. 24, and Apr. 1. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the lakes to the meeting for discussion.
Meetings to discuss water quality improvement plan for the Iowa River

Meetings to discuss water quality improvement plan for the Iowa River

  • 9/7/2017 1:25:00 PM
  • View Count 3933
IOWA CITY – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in the Iowa River and its tributaries can attend one of three meetings across the basin. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the river to the meeting for discussion. 
Meeting to discuss Avenue of the Saints Lake water quality improvement plan

Meeting to discuss Avenue of the Saints Lake water quality improvement plan

  • 7/27/2017 10:59:00 AM
  • View Count 3477
WAVERLY – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in Avenue of the Saints Lake in Bremer County can attend a meeting Aug. 9. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the lake to the meeting for discussion. 
Meeting to discuss Lake Rathbun water quality improvement plan

Meeting to discuss Lake Rathbun water quality improvement plan

  • 6/22/2017 12:03:00 PM
  • View Count 4253
CHARITON – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in Lake Rathbun in south-central Iowa can attend a meeting July 6. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the lake to the meeting for discussion. 
Northeast Iowa goes wild for trout

Northeast Iowa goes wild for trout

  • 3/16/2017 3:27:00 PM
  • View Count 25100
​Things are getting even wilder in northeast Iowa. Watershed projects on northeast Iowa’s famed trout streams over the last two decades have improved water quality, and in turn, wild trout populations, fishing and tourism. By changing the way water comes into trout streams, watershed projects have kept excess sediment, nutrients and bacteria out of the water. 
Meeting to discuss Eldred Sherwood Lake water quality improvement plan

Meeting to discuss Eldred Sherwood Lake water quality improvement plan

  • 9/29/2016 11:23:00 AM
  • View Count 4178
KLEMME – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in Eldred Sherwood Lake in Hancock County can attend a meeting Oct. 12. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the lake to the meeting for discussion. 
Public Meeting to Discuss Lake of the Hills Water Quality Improvement Plan

Public Meeting to Discuss Lake of the Hills Water Quality Improvement Plan

  • 4/21/2016 8:05:00 AM
  • View Count 4275
DAVENPORT – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in Scott County’s Lake of the Hills can attend a meeting Thursday, May 5. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the lake to the meeting for discussion.
Meeting to Discuss Windmill Lake Water Quality Improvement Plan

Meeting to Discuss Windmill Lake Water Quality Improvement Plan

  • 3/24/2016 7:22:00 AM
  • View Count 4739
BEDFORD – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in Windmill Lake in Taylor County can attend a meeting April 7. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the lake to the meeting for discussion.
A Return to Glory Days at Little Storm

A Return to Glory Days at Little Storm

  • 2/17/2016 9:47:00 AM
  • View Count 11549
Longtime Storm Lake Mayor Jon Kruse remembers the glory days of waterfowl hunting in Little Storm Lake during the 1960s and’70s, but by the early ‘80s the ducks were gone. The marsh became a silt-filled carp nursery with little vegetation.
Viking Lake Work Has Lasting Effect on Fishing, Water Quality

Viking Lake Work Has Lasting Effect on Fishing, Water Quality

  • 3/6/2015 6:35:00 AM
  • View Count 8321
Once so thick with algae that the water looked more like green paint than water, southwest Iowa’s Viking Lake has been on the up and up since a major watershed improvement there wrapped up in 2009.Five years of monitoring Viking Lake in southwest Iowa reveals the lake is clean enough to be removed from the list of Iowa impaired waters for algae growth.
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