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Archive by tag: volunteerReturn
Annual winter bird survey opens Dec. 14

Annual winter bird survey opens Dec. 14

  • 12/12/2017 1:04:00 PM
  • View Count 4754
The annual Christmas bird count begins across Iowa with volunteers working with count coordinators from the Iowa Ornithologists Union to identify one day between Dec. 14 and Jan. 5 to count every bird – seen or heard – in their designated area.
State parks looking for volunteers Sept. 30

State parks looking for volunteers Sept. 30

  • 9/5/2017 12:57:00 PM
  • View Count 9555
Iowa’s state parks are looking for volunteers on Sept. 30 for Iowa’s first State Park Volunteer Day.  Volunteer activities will take place in 32 state parks.
Project Aware cleanup to tackle the Upper Cedar River

Project Aware cleanup to tackle the Upper Cedar River

  • 5/2/2017 12:14:00 PM
  • View Count 3690
CHARLES CITY – Volunteers will have an opportunity this summer to spend their vacations cleaning up, learning about and exploring 60 miles of the upper Cedar River from the Iowa-Minnesota border to Nashua from July 10 to 14.
Public celebration planned for volunteers’ commitment to osprey restoration

Public celebration planned for volunteers’ commitment to osprey restoration

  • 5/2/2017 12:13:00 PM
  • View Count 6213
A public celebration of the volunteers and organizations integral in the return of ospreys to Iowa will be held at Quarry Springs in Colfax, on May 20, from 11-3. The Quarry Springs location, just east of the Colfax exit off I-80, has been home to two nesting pairs of ospreys that have been fishing from its waters.
Bat survey looking for volunteers

Bat survey looking for volunteers

  • 4/18/2017 12:13:00 PM
  • View Count 4133
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Iowa State University are looking for volunteers interested in performing night time surveys for bats in Hardin, Marshall, Jackson, and Dubuque counties. 
Iowa citizens playing key role in tracking imperiled wildlife

Iowa citizens playing key role in tracking imperiled wildlife

  • 1/24/2017 12:19:00 PM
  • View Count 6059
It’s 10:00 on a summer night along a gravel road anywhere in Iowa.  In the farm pond next to the road a raucous chorus of male frogs are making themselves heard as they vie for mates.  A volunteer stands clipboard in hand, ear cocked, mentally sorting out each of the calling species using this seemingly ordinary pond. 
2016 DNR volunteer fire assistance grants awarded to rural fire departments

2016 DNR volunteer fire assistance grants awarded to rural fire departments

  • 12/7/2016 10:30:00 AM
  • View Count 4691
More than $206,000 in 50 percent cost-share grants have recently been awarded to 83 of Iowa’s rural fire departments to aid their efforts in protecting Iowan’s and their property from wildfires.  The grants offer valuable funding assistance for wildfire suppression, personal protective and communications equipment.
Lower Des Moines River Expedition Set to Launch in July

Lower Des Moines River Expedition Set to Launch in July

  • 6/9/2016 1:16:00 PM
  • View Count 4360
KEOSAUQUA – Volunteers will have an opportunity this summer to spend their vacations cleaning up, learning about and exploring 53 miles of the lower Des Moines River between Eldon and Farmington, from July 11 to 15 with Project AWARE. Early registration ends June 17.
Iowan Selected as National Hunter Education Volunteer Instructor of the Year

Iowan Selected as National Hunter Education Volunteer Instructor of the Year

  • 5/31/2016 1:03:00 PM
  • View Count 6928
Rick Cerwick flashes back to the days when he started hunting, rolling down the Webster County gravel roads in the ‘63 Ford Galaxy 500 with mom and dad up front and he and his brothers and sisters in back competing to see who could spot the most rooster pheasants and who could retrieve them when dad shot one.
Project AWARE Cleanup to Take On Lower Des Moines River

Project AWARE Cleanup to Take On Lower Des Moines River

  • 3/29/2016 7:37:00 AM
  • View Count 5306
KEOSAUQUA – Volunteers will have an opportunity this summer to spend their vacations cleaning up, learning about and exploring 53 miles of the Lower Des Moines River between Eldon and Farmington from July 11 to 15.
Project AWARE Cleanup to Take on Lower Des Moines River

Project AWARE Cleanup to Take on Lower Des Moines River

  • 3/24/2016 7:11:00 AM
  • View Count 5079
KEOSAUQUA – Volunteers will have an opportunity this summer to spend their vacations cleaning up, learning about and exploring 53 miles of the Lower Des Moines River between Eldon and Farmington from July 11 to 15.
Iowa Citizens Playing Key Role in Tracking Imperiled Wildlife

Iowa Citizens Playing Key Role in Tracking Imperiled Wildlife

  • 2/2/2016 7:16:00 AM
  • View Count 4770
Peering through binoculars, a citizen scientist is watching a huge nest in a tree that is home to two bald eagles and their young, or are there three young in that nest? Hard to tell and a follow up visit will be needed; in the meantime, notes are taken and a peaceful hour is spent watching one of the most spectacular birds in North America.
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