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Archive by tag: successReturn
Iowans creating connections with creeks with signs

Iowans creating connections with creeks with signs

  • 6/28/2017 2:39:00 PM
  • View Count 12192
Thousands of motorists drive over Iowa’s waterways, big and small, each day. But unless it’s a major river, most people are crossing these streams unaware of what’s below. 
Cedar River: the heart of Charles City

Cedar River: the heart of Charles City

  • 3/31/2017 10:14:00 AM
  • View Count 14463
After Cedar River floodwaters hit hard in 2008 and 2016, even washing away the iconic century-old suspension bridge in 2008, you wouldn’t expect Charles City to embrace the river. 
Iowans celebrate water quality successes in annual review

Iowans celebrate water quality successes in annual review

  • 3/23/2017 11:54:00 AM
  • View Count 4020
DES MOINES — The efforts of Iowans to improve Iowa’s lakes, rivers and streams have resulted in success stories across the state, and a new publication is showcasing some of the most impressive efforts over the last decade. 
Iowa DNR: 30 Years, 30 Natural Resource Successes

Iowa DNR: 30 Years, 30 Natural Resource Successes

  • 6/21/2016 11:23:00 AM
  • View Count 5670
DES MOINES — July 1 marks the 30th anniversary of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, established by the State Legislature when several state agencies consolidated in 1986. To help commemorate the 30th anniversary, the DNR is highlighting 30 success stories for Iowa’s natural resources during the last three decades.
Coralville Makes Green Strides for Water Quality

Coralville Makes Green Strides for Water Quality

  • 3/11/2016 7:24:00 AM
  • View Count 11185
Generally, Coralville Lake, just upstream from its namesake town, does its job as a flood control reservoir. But the lake was no match for the floods of 1993 and 2008, creating millions of dollars in damages for the eastern Iowa town.
Lake Darling Takes the Spotlight Again Following Renovation

Lake Darling Takes the Spotlight Again Following Renovation

  • 3/2/2016 5:43:00 AM
  • View Count 12665
On the same September day 64 years earlier, legendary conservationist and Iowan Jay “Ding” Darling ceremoniously “set the gate” on the then newest and largest artificial lake in Iowa, Lake Darling.
Iowans Create Water Quality Successes in 2015

Iowans Create Water Quality Successes in 2015

  • 1/28/2016 10:45:00 AM
  • View Count 4445
The efforts of Iowans in 2015 to improve Iowa’s lakes, rivers and streams have resulted in success stories across the state, and more efforts are underway for 2016. Working with groups statewide, including the Iowa DNR’s Watershed Improvement Program, Iowans are making changes on the land to improve our waters.
Viking Lake Work Has Lasting Effect on Fishing, Water Quality

Viking Lake Work Has Lasting Effect on Fishing, Water Quality

  • 3/6/2015 6:35:00 AM
  • View Count 8333
Once so thick with algae that the water looked more like green paint than water, southwest Iowa’s Viking Lake has been on the up and up since a major watershed improvement there wrapped up in 2009.Five years of monitoring Viking Lake in southwest Iowa reveals the lake is clean enough to be removed from the list of Iowa impaired waters for algae growth.
Central Park Lake Poised for Return

Central Park Lake Poised for Return

  • 2/20/2015 4:56:00 AM
  • View Count 7134
Central Park Lake encompasses only 25 acres, but the 297-acre park is a popular recreation destination in Jones County, despite the lake’s listing as “impaired” due to excess algae, bacteria and pH.